Wellcome to my books world,

I hope we can share anything here about my books, writings and infos...
Au revoir...

Bahasa Prancis untuk Sekretaris Pemula

Bahasa Prancis untuk Sekretaris Pemula
Dear all,...My book is upcoming in January 2009, Panduan lengkap untuk calon sekretaris.(French for Junior Secretary).A complete handbook for secretary.Publisher(penerbit) : Genius, Yogyakarta Jan, 2009.Special thanks to Jean-Louis ROUAULT for his attention to my book (s)


Jan 7, wiLL be Ready for Ordering book online..

More info 4u ...

Dear All,

The book will be ready soon, if you would like me to send you some exemples of the pages, please feel free to drop me a line with your email address. Also ready for receiving your order online, give me a line with your mail address.

Best regards,

Hi semua,

Buku akan segera siap edar di seluruh Indonesia, jika ada di antara pembaca yang mau dikirim contoh halaman isi, bisa tulis pesan disini, jangan lupa email addressnya. Juga bisa pesan online apabila ingin order bukunya, follow up selanjutnya melalui email.

Salam hangat.

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